Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Working on Thesis-为论文奋斗

由于论文的缘故, 我需要找西方人和东方人来参加我的测试。 东方人还好说,发MSN消息给我的中国朋友,很快就联系好了一批人。 可找西方人就有些困难了。首先,为了确保测试的有效性,最好是找以英语为母语的人,比如美国人,加拿大人,澳大利亚人等。而恰恰在KAIST, 并不多见这些人。眼看要发表论文了,如此紧急情况逼得我去尝试各种方法。除了发邮件邀请一些外教,和让我认识的寥寥几位西方人邀请他们的朋友,我还做好了随时“抓”人的心理准备。 现在在路上一看见西方长相的人,我就立即开始紧张的思维活动。为了论文,什么都不管了。。 我主动上前搭话, 介绍我的测试,幸运的是,他们都被我说动了来参加我的测试。 不幸的是,我发现他们是法国人。 今天又碰上一个伊朗人,但我没有邀请她。法国人做测试,测试缺乏Reliability(可靠性),因为测试的模型是英文的。最后,只好决心放弃他们的测试数据。。真可惜, 好不容易找到的西方人。。看来我需要更精确地分辨人的外貌(真没想到我会上前跟伊朗人说话,不过我们倒交了个朋友,赫), 这样才会更有效地帮助我的论文 ^^;; 不管怎么说,主动和老外说话对我来说倒是新鲜,为了论文,我改变不少。。呵呵呵

I need both Westerners and Easter Asian to participate in my experiment which is for my thesis study. It is much easier for me to recruite Asian peope (Chinese). I just simply recruited many chinese people by sending MSN messages. But for recruiting Westerners (in this case: American, Australian, Canadian and so on), things become difficult. There are not so many Westerners in KAIST. . Thesis presentation is on next Tuesday. The situation pushs me try any methods to recruite Western participants. Besides asking my American friend to invite his friend and sending invitation letter to English teachers in KAIST, I also planed to "catch" people on the street. Whenever I see someone in Western looking, my brain begin to work busily.. I approach them and introduce my experiment. Yesterday, I was lucky to ask 3 people to participate in my experiment, but the unlucky thing is that they are French.. It may affect the validation of my research, because the prototype is in English (English is second language for French). I decided to drop the data collected from French. Today, I encountered an Iranian. I talked to her, but I didnt invite her. It seems that I need to improve my ability to distinguish people's nationality, which may help my experiment more effiently. hehe. Anyway, talking to foreigner on my own initiative is fresh to me. Thesis could change me a lot .. hehehe

Friday, March 23, 2007

Music and Lyrics- Way back into love

Way Back Into Love by Hugh Grant and Haley BennettSoundtrack of Music and Lyrics Movie by Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore

I’ve been living with a shadow overhead
I’ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I’ve been lonely for so longTrapped in the past,
I just can’t seem to move on

I’ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I’ve been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I’ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I’ve been searching but I just don’t see the signs
I know that it’s out there
There’s got to be something for my soul somewhere
I’ve been looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me throught the night
I could use some direction
And I’m open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I’m hoping you’ll be there for me in the end
There are moments when I don’t know if it’s real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I’m hoping you’ll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I’ll be there for you in the end

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


最近我发现新韩国室友的生活中有一点令我很好奇。每次见她的洗完衣后,凉衣架上总是有5,6条毛巾,但我平时并没有见她把毛巾挂在外面啊。经历几次后,我忍不住问她此事。她说,她每天洗两次澡,早晨洗完澡后用一条毛巾,然后便把毛巾放在衣筐里。晚上洗澡用另一条毛巾。全部的毛巾用完一轮,便一次全部洗了。于是便出现了开头我提出的“好奇”场面。 她还说他的男朋友有20条毛巾!

哇! 真的是出乎我的意料! 我于是也问기태오빠有几条毛巾。 他说有10条毛巾!生活习惯完全和我室友描述的一样。而且,在韩国人的家里,毛巾不是个人财产,而是公用。一条毛巾用过一次后便会被放进衣筐里等待漂洗。所有的洗好的毛巾都被放在衣柜里,而不是放在外面。


入乡随俗的话,我是不是也应该尝试尝试用多条毛巾呢? 赫赫,待议。但不管怎么说,拥有20条毛巾的话,总觉得每次给搬家带来不小的负担。 我用两条毛巾生活的也挺好。赫赫

Sunday, March 11, 2007


从这学期开始, KAIST全面实施对研究生一年级学生的英语教学计划。 我们系也一致贯彻下来了。看来KAIST真的要向国际化和最高学府进军了。 英语教学大大方便了外国留学生。 我还记得上学期的韩语专业课上的我甚是艰难。 我想在清华美院开设英语教学一定还是困难重重,教师和学生的英语水平都有待提高。 相比之下, 清美离国际化还差得远一些。

Soap from UK

Here are some handmade soaps from UK. They are so beautifully made with joyful fragrance. Dont they look like delicious cakes? I want to have a bite~ Ao~ao

My digital family

Take a look at my digital family:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Funny icon design

Check out these funny icon designs. They are quite emotional. Have a close look at each icon, you may find interesting things and brilliant ideas. ^^

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Cowon D2

Yesterday,기태오빠 bought me a new MP3 player: Cowon D2. I am so excited about it. ipod is my original plan, but Cowon D2 made me even dont want to think about ipod now. Features of Cowon D2 are much better than ipod. It has touch screen, which make the controling so easy and interesting. It also integrates DMB, FM, and recorder function. After installing firmware, a dictionary will be added, which perfectly fits my needs. Besides playing MP3 files, it can also play video files. Converting these D2 video files is just a click away in JetAudio. If the storage is not satisfying (eventhough it is large enough, 4G), an extra SD card can be added as well.

The interface is also well designed, any settings can be easily done. A small-scalene triangle-shaped 'stylus' acts as a supporter as well to support the player stand up vertically. The angle of the standing player even can be adjusted . This is especially designed for watching DMB, which make the watching more enjoyable.

Take a look at this nicely designed Cowon D2:

Friday, March 02, 2007


挣扎于论文中已经有些时日了。可以说昨天因为论文的缘故,身体和精神都痛苦和糊涂到极致了。实验的设计存在众多的漏洞,和理论的连接也是缺乏逻辑,头脑里有些想法,但是就是组织不成一个合理的实验设计。 苦闷于论文当中,却不知觉得睡着了,伴着台灯的照耀,电脑运转的嗡嗡声,手里攥着眼镜和手机,头脚颠倒着睡着了。。

今天和教授讨论了我的论文,短短的10分钟内,他就把我的想法组织成比较像样的研究计划。 他对我的一些工作的肯定也相当地推动了论文的进展。 我为什么就不能自己肯定自己呢?否则,我想我的论文进展应该没有这样艰难。 今天看了一本关于做研究的书, 书中就提到focus, problem solve, and make decisions的能力对于顺利完成论文会有很大的帮助。 而我恰恰在这些方面很弱。

李教授解决问题的干净利索真的不能不叫人佩服,他清楚的知道什么应该肯定,什么应该否定。只有这样,工作才会很有效率的进行。 我也应该培养这方面的能力才行。