由于论文的缘故, 我需要找西方人和东方人来参加我的测试。 东方人还好说,发MSN消息给我的中国朋友,很快就联系好了一批人。 可找西方人就有些困难了。首先,为了确保测试的有效性,最好是找以英语为母语的人,比如美国人,加拿大人,澳大利亚人等。而恰恰在KAIST, 并不多见这些人。眼看要发表论文了,如此紧急情况逼得我去尝试各种方法。除了发邮件邀请一些外教,和让我认识的寥寥几位西方人邀请他们的朋友,我还做好了随时“抓”人的心理准备。 现在在路上一看见西方长相的人,我就立即开始紧张的思维活动。为了论文,什么都不管了。。 我主动上前搭话, 介绍我的测试,幸运的是,他们都被我说动了来参加我的测试。 不幸的是,我发现他们是法国人。 今天又碰上一个伊朗人,但我没有邀请她。法国人做测试,测试缺乏Reliability(可靠性),因为测试的模型是英文的。最后,只好决心放弃他们的测试数据。。真可惜, 好不容易找到的西方人。。看来我需要更精确地分辨人的外貌(真没想到我会上前跟伊朗人说话,不过我们倒交了个朋友,赫), 这样才会更有效地帮助我的论文 ^^;; 不管怎么说,主动和老外说话对我来说倒是新鲜,为了论文,我改变不少。。呵呵呵
I need both Westerners and Easter Asian to participate in my experiment which is for my thesis study. It is much easier for me to recruite Asian peope (Chinese). I just simply recruited many chinese people by sending MSN messages. But for recruiting Westerners (in this case: American, Australian, Canadian and so on), things become difficult. There are not so many Westerners in KAIST. . Thesis presentation is on next Tuesday. The situation pushs me try any methods to recruite Western participants. Besides asking my American friend to invite his friend and sending invitation letter to English teachers in KAIST, I also planed to "catch" people on the street. Whenever I see someone in Western looking, my brain begin to work busily.. I approach them and introduce my experiment. Yesterday, I was lucky to ask 3 people to participate in my experiment, but the unlucky thing is that they are French.. It may affect the validation of my research, because the prototype is in English (English is second language for French). I decided to drop the data collected from French. Today, I encountered an Iranian. I talked to her, but I didnt invite her. It seems that I need to improve my ability to distinguish people's nationality, which may help my experiment more effiently. hehe. Anyway, talking to foreigner on my own initiative is fresh to me. Thesis could change me a lot .. hehehe