Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The God

A Christian came to me try to persuade me to believe in the God. I asked her where the God is. How does it look? She said God doesn't have concrete form, but spirit. He can let you born again with hope in life. He can make your life more valueable…

I couldn't agree much. I have been thinking why people are so sincere to a creature so called God. I could never imagine how he exists, how he leads people's life. I believe people make decision by themselves. I would decide what I am going to do, what I am going to be, but not God. Eventhough sometimes I believe the supernature could exist, I would not depend on it. I can make wishes by believing the supernature, but I won't live in believing supernature.

I am not criticizing Christian here. I believe everybody has the freedom to choose what he or she believes. I believe in myself not in God. I hope those Christian don't try to persuade me to believe what they believe any more.

That is silly.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

今天我当姨了 :)

阴历大年初一, 表妹生了个儿子, 听说是早产了13天。 虽说早产了,可也真够幸运的,赶上了新年的第一天。 以后每年过大年,都拉不了他的生日喽。恰逢今年猪年,小伙子被美其名曰为“小金猪”。赫赫,还真不赖。

我也突然当了姨。妈妈也当了姑奶。我们都成了老一代人了。。表妹那姑娘,自己还是个孩子,现在倒养起孩子来了。突然感觉整个世界都变了。 也许是因为对身份变化的一点感触吧。

只可惜今年春节没回家,没能见上一面那“小金猪”。 真是后悔啊。估计要半年之后才有这缘份了。

祝母子平安,猪年快乐 :)

Oshidama-an elegant game

Oshidama is a simple and elegant flash game just released by Game-Pure, the creators of Speed Cluster. The goal is to nudge a white orb to the exit point on each screen. Walls, pits and other obstacles stand in your way, forcing you plan your path and be ready for a last-second save at any moment. It's an interesting mix of strategy and fast-paced cursor shifting delivered in an astounding audio and visual atmosphere reminiscent of flOw.
Tap the white circle with the cursor to give it a push, creating a satisfying "click" sound when you do. The orb travels forward based on where you touched it, sort of like hitting a ball with a cue stick in billiards. You can't control the circle's speed or distance, only the direction.
The game is divided into levels each containing four stages. Within a level you have a set number of pushes you can use to complete the stages. If the counter hits zero, it's game over. Fortunately Oshidama saves your level progress so you can take a break and pick up where you left off.
Analysis: Restricting your control over the orb and limiting the number of pushes gives Oshidama a nice strategy element to go along with the action-based gameplay. Plan a basic route through each stage before you start tapping so you don't run out of pushes. The orb doesn't always do exactly what you intend, so be ready to adapt your route at any moment. Also be ready to swing the cursor around for a quick save from the bowels of a deep, dark pit.
Oshidama is beautifully designed with appealing visuals and a great soundtrack. The echoing "click" sound when you push the circle gives the impression that you're deep under water, which matches the music quite nicely. Easy to play and an excellent mix of action and strategy all wrapped up in a beautiful media package.
The original link of the game review:

SpeedCluster-Card game with Creative interface

I found a card game that with new and creative interface. It seems a combination of the default card game in computer and the instrument playing game. With the clear and cute interface design, it becomes one of my favorite games. Have a look ~

Bad usability example

If you want to change the ring of the incoming call of mobilephone, which menu would u like to choose?
  • My phone
  • Organizer
  • Entertainment
  • Setup

My first choice was "Setup". When I tried to change the ring of my phone(Samsung, SPH-E3000), I searched all submenu in "Setup", finding out nothing I can do to change the ring. Then I tried to search "My phone", I also failed to change it. Next, I began to search "Setup" again, with the hope that I may missed some submenu in the first trial. Finally, I end up extremely exhausted with finding the function.

Some times later, my desire to find the ring changing function rised again. I searched all menus that I thought could content the function. At the end, I found out that the function is in the last menu that I would like to search, "Entertainment". The path is "Entertainment"--> "Music Box" --> "Bell". I was kind of angry with the menu structure design. It is so confusing and lack of usability. Eventhough I learned how to find the function this time, I am not sure how long can I keep it in my mind. The classification doesnt make sense to me at all.

I heard some people also complained their mobilephone is difficult to use because of menu structure. Now I feel that the user-friendly interface is more important than the product appearance to me. Without usability, no matter how pretty the product is, it can only be called craftwork, not a product.

SamSung SPH-E3000

Saturday, February 17, 2007


今天是大年三十, 周围静静的。这是二十六个年头来,第一次不在家里过年, 热闹的炮竹声也只能从打给妈妈的电话中听到了。 校园里见不到几个人影,停车场里的车也少了不少。 大家都回家过年了。很多中国留学生选择了留在这里,大家聚到了一起,说说笑笑做游戏。游戏都是很传统的游戏,但还是百玩不厌,沉浸在母语的环境当中,感觉真得很亲切。


需要思考的还有我的前途。 毕业在即,是读博是工作一直未决。哪一边都有理由去做和不去做。古人云:有舍有得。是啊,目前我正是在衡量这舍和得。

Thursday, February 15, 2007

International Collaboration Award

On the 36th ceremony of KAIST establishment, my Prof. Kum-Pyo, Lee was granted of International collaboration award. He surely deserves it. I am the result of his efforts in international collaboration. hehe. Congratulations, Prof. Lee.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I lost the game...

Today, I realized that I am really not a good game player... I even lose the simple game easily..Have a look when I lost the game. hehehe

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The significance of half egg 계란 반쪽의 의미

"냉면 (Cold Buckwheat Noodle)" is popular food in Korea. In every cold noodle, there is half an egg on the top of it. Since I like egg, I always eat it at the last. Today, I got to know that it is not the right way to eat cold noodle. The egg has its usage here:

The cold buckwheat noodles are made from a mixture of buckwheat and flour. As buckwheat is high in cellulose content, eating this dish on an empty stomach can be harmful for the stomach lining. The addition of egg to cold buckwheat noodle is designed to protect the stomach lining.

I will sure to eat the egg first next time when I eat the cold noodle.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Liu Chenxin graduated

Liu Chenxin, who helped me a lot before I came to Korea, graduated today. He is going to work in LG in Korea. Good for him^^. I am also looking forward to the moment of my graduation. It is the time to consider my future.