Tuesday, June 10, 2008



老公和我本想参加此次的蜡烛集会,但老公突然肌肉拉伤,考虑安全问题,我们只好放弃了。当时我们决定参加蜡烛集会的时候,我还是感到挺新鲜的。韩国的民主活动确实已经达到了一个很高的水准,国民通过网络策划,宣传,组织了多次大规模的蜡烛集会,甚至在网上都能看到蜡烛集会的实况转播,而且众多网民在网上观看实况转播的同时进行着文字交流。蜡烛集会甚至被某些传媒称为历史上示威游行的革命,而网络则是这场革命必不可少的媒介。 这也证实了韩国的确是无可比拟的网络发达国家。


Thursday, May 22, 2008

为四川地震募捐 Donation for Sichuan Earthquake

Chinese Community in KAIST organized a donation event since Sichuan province in China was heavily hit by the earthquake. Chinese students in KAIST were gathered together to make posters and prepared for the whole event. I was honored to be part of the donation event.

We were discussing how to make the posters.

Final look of posters.

On the second day, we set 3 spots for the donation, I was in the East Cafeteria to in charge of the donation.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Chinese consumption style is changing

It is quite interesting to see that Chinese are adapting to a new consumption style. Immediately after reading the article, I felt an unintelligible excitement that my life would be more wonderful with a renting-concept in my mind.

Here is the original article:

Lease life to the fullest

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Came back to Korea

After 2 months' travel and almost 1 month's relaxing, I came back to Korea where my love had been waiting for me. ^^ It represent a new life for me and for us.