Monday, November 12, 2007

Little "Monster"

Well, babies are not cute any more... are they monsters?HeHe. Feather start to grow out, sooner or later, they will look like their parents. I can feel the warmth and safety provided by the pigeon mother. She is always great. Baby pigeons get stronger day by day under her care and feed. Now, there are more eyes looking at me ^^;;

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Little Pigeon Opened Their Eyes

These little creatures opened their eyes today. Even though their eyes are half open, they start to see the real world. It is really hard to get a family photo, but I did it today. Actually this is the start scene of fighting between pigeon parents about who should feed their babies. The father won. Later on today, the little pigeon was trying to ask food from its mother

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Shisha Shop-水烟袋

怀着对水烟袋(Shisha, Hookah, Nargile) 的好奇,今天我和男友终于走进了KAIST附近的一家水烟袋吧。由于听说里面不含尼古丁,不会吸烟的人也可以尝试,所以对于这种新奇的家伙,我早就耐不住迫切要尝试的心情了。一拿到菜单,我们就把注意力集中到了水烟袋的不同选择上。选择有很多,有各种不同的水果味。由于第一次尝试,我们还是采取了保守的路线,让店主推荐一款,推荐的是橘子味的。不一会工夫,一台有着绿色瓶身(水仓),银色瓶颈(烟仓)的水烟袋就被摆在了我们的面前。并且还提供了2个半透明色的烟嘴。吸的方法很简单,把烟嘴套在烟棒上直接吸饮就可以了。我于是迫不及待的安上了烟嘴。 哦,我的好奇心总算被满足了。 我拿着烟管,模仿抽烟人的样子,深深的吸了一口,并没有什么感觉和味道。然后再模仿吸烟人的样子, 把嘴里的烟吐出来。 哦,有味道了。香香的,烟香味,橘香味?并没有太多的心情去研究,我还是继续沉溺于“吸烟”的新奇感受。哈,这可是二十多年来的第一张“吸烟”的照片,估计被父母看见的话,少不了一顿解释,呵呵 细细端详了一下水烟袋,水烟袋的最上端是烟碗,上面放着烟料。烟碗的下端连有一细管,此细管一直伸到水仓中的液体里。烟料产生的烟也就经由细管经水过滤,而那液体则是被制成不同的味道,随着被过滤的烟一同由吸管引导被吸烟的人吸出。水烟袋的构造,就是根据“隔水吸之”的原理来设计的,这样一来,烟油、尼古丁及杂质大部分留在水里,进入口中的烟似乎要卫生多了。 今天不光体验了水烟袋,又增加了对水烟袋的了解,可谓不虚此举。不过,透露一个秘密,我吸烟时,只让烟雾停留在口腔中,随即便吐出来了,我并没有深深地把它吸入肺里(原因是我不会^^;;)。我当时也没觉得我的吸法不对,只是后来想想怎么吸烟会一点感觉都没有呢, 才想到是方法的问题。赫赫

Baby Pigeons were Hatched~

Maybe baby pigeons know when is the best time to be hatched, that is when there is nobody around ^^;; I had been keeping an eye on those eggs, but I still missed the right time when they were hatched... I came to lab on Saturday in order to not miss their birth, they disappointed me. Then I assumed that if one egg would be hatched on Sunday then the other one would be hatched on Monday, since there is one day interval in between their arrival to the world. With such assumption, I thought at least I wont miss the birth of one of them. But the truth is that I was wrong. When I came to lab this morning, I found both of them were already hatched. They were hidden under their mother's warm, soft body. Some debris of egg shell were abandoned on the side of the nest. Pigeon mother is always extremely cautious to my observation. She immediately hides her children when I start to look at them and do nothing except keeping an eye on me. Pigeon father is much brave. He feeds his offspring in front of me so that I can take photos of those tiny, week, but a little bit ugly creatures ^^;; Baby pigeons are in yellow! He started to feed his babies. Continue to feed. The beak of baby pigeon was inside father pigeon's mouth to get food. Well, I don't really feel good to see that, which the tiny hard beak pokes the insider of father's mouth. But that is the way they live.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Google is Losing the Trademark

These days, people not only use 'google' as a noun but also as a verb. 'Google' is used as a synonym for search in everyday language. People who are likely to use google to search are called 'googler'. It is kind of fashion to use 'googling' than 'searching', but not everybody like it happens. Becaming a generic word, Google will not be able to maintain its trademark, which means Google lost its brand protection and can not renew its protection indefinitely.

There are many similar cases in history. Nylon and aspirin were once trademarks but are now part of the nomal English lexicon. Photoshop is also largely used as verb which means 'editting' photos. Eventhough developers do not hope this happen, at least it shows that their products are popular enough to be imprinted on people's memory and to be generalized in everyday's uses.

Related article:

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Cool Photos of Pigeon Parents

I shot some really cool photos of pigeon parents today. The pigeon father was gazing at me when I took this photos. He is the most beautiful pigeon I have ever seen. He has strong and vigorous body with shining feather. The color and pattern of the feather are in great harmony which make him looks so neat. He did a good pose in front of my camera ^^ I like the following photo, eventhough it is a little bit blured. It shows the greatness of pigeon mother who is always pay all her efforts to protect her offsprings. This photo was taken after the pigeon mother expelled an invader to her nest. The invader was an ungly pigeon who wander around her nest and kept making noise. I don't know exactly what he would do, but I could feel some strange atmosphere. The pigeon mother also sensed it and flew out of her nest to drive that angly pigeon away. I am proud of her!

The Pigeon Father

The father pigeon came back to replace pigeon mother so that she can go and look for some food. I need to take photos when they shift their duty. The pigeon father was highly cautious to me when I was taking photos. He stood there motionlessly and stared at me. It was good since he hadn't hide those two eggs under his body. Maybe those eggs will be hatched on friday.. Let's wait ^^