Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Dead Sesame-주근깨? "주근" 깨?

With all materals I have, I designed a "Suncake" and I tried it out this morning. Well, it looks not bad and I am quite satisfied with that ~.~. By looking at the suncakes, I saw huge eyes... Next, I made joke of those suncakes. Here it goes: A face was made with two big and round eyes (suncakes ^^), cute freckles (sesame), and a small red lip (carrot). It turns out I made a food version of Keroro ^^;; Well, this is not my point of this post... There is something very coincidental in my food version Keroro. As I mentioned I used sesame as freckles on the face when I made it this morning. Later on my boyfriend told me that the Korean word for 'freckle' is '주근깨'. It literally means dead (주근) sesame (깨). haha. Those sesame were visually and meaningly became freckles. '주근'깨 -->주근깨! The most important thing is I may remember (주근깨) this word for ever ^.^

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