Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Baby Pigeons were Hatched~

Maybe baby pigeons know when is the best time to be hatched, that is when there is nobody around ^^;; I had been keeping an eye on those eggs, but I still missed the right time when they were hatched... I came to lab on Saturday in order to not miss their birth, they disappointed me. Then I assumed that if one egg would be hatched on Sunday then the other one would be hatched on Monday, since there is one day interval in between their arrival to the world. With such assumption, I thought at least I wont miss the birth of one of them. But the truth is that I was wrong. When I came to lab this morning, I found both of them were already hatched. They were hidden under their mother's warm, soft body. Some debris of egg shell were abandoned on the side of the nest. Pigeon mother is always extremely cautious to my observation. She immediately hides her children when I start to look at them and do nothing except keeping an eye on me. Pigeon father is much brave. He feeds his offspring in front of me so that I can take photos of those tiny, week, but a little bit ugly creatures ^^;; Baby pigeons are in yellow! He started to feed his babies. Continue to feed. The beak of baby pigeon was inside father pigeon's mouth to get food. Well, I don't really feel good to see that, which the tiny hard beak pokes the insider of father's mouth. But that is the way they live.

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