Thursday, November 01, 2007

Cool Photos of Pigeon Parents

I shot some really cool photos of pigeon parents today. The pigeon father was gazing at me when I took this photos. He is the most beautiful pigeon I have ever seen. He has strong and vigorous body with shining feather. The color and pattern of the feather are in great harmony which make him looks so neat. He did a good pose in front of my camera ^^ I like the following photo, eventhough it is a little bit blured. It shows the greatness of pigeon mother who is always pay all her efforts to protect her offsprings. This photo was taken after the pigeon mother expelled an invader to her nest. The invader was an ungly pigeon who wander around her nest and kept making noise. I don't know exactly what he would do, but I could feel some strange atmosphere. The pigeon mother also sensed it and flew out of her nest to drive that angly pigeon away. I am proud of her!

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